My eyes are very irritated now..
I have been staying up for more than 24 hrs infront of my laptop, either playing DOTA, searching the net, watching a movie, chatting with friends, and other stuffs that this technology is providing me, did I include a new blog for myself?
Well, I lost when I used Nevermore against AIs. I am practicing his skills and techniques, so at least not a bad start. The same goes to this blog. I am glad I am working better with this. At least everyday I can slowly work things out with this.
My brains are totally numb and my eyes are teary... This basically means that I should rest now and keep myself rested, at least as long as I want to because I have nothing to do tomorrow. I am free, yes Im free!
I guess I should hit the sack now. Thank you Lord for this wonderful day.
I pray for a better day tomorrow! :)
========================================================== Random thoughts...