Saturday, July 23, 2011

My initial interview

Today i dont feel like doing anything.

I just wanna lay in my bed.

I just had my pre-embassy interview held at Puan, Davao City. I am still not sure as to the outcome, but I am hoping that sooner, I would be able to get a chance to work things out.

Boring post.. But will keep myself posted here.. hahaha

========================================================== Random thoughts...

Friday, July 15, 2011

All on the right side....

I guess today will be another boring day. I had nothing to do. I am completely insane now being less and less productive.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What if the moment you made the decision, everything went wrong???c

Just a good thought.... But a bad decision...

It was all just a plan. I am a fresh graduate and I am still in doubt whether I am going to start my career locally or abroad. I know definitely that there are a lot of opportunities waiting for me abroad, not to brag but its true. I have a good college education and experience that makes me eligible and confident to apply to any establishment, especially in the hospitality industry.

This is just a plain way of expressing myself before these thoughts will

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Day in the Making...

My eyes are very irritated now..
I have been staying up for more than 24 hrs infront of my laptop, either playing DOTA, searching the net, watching a movie, chatting with friends, and other stuffs that this technology is providing me, did I include a new blog for myself?

Well, I lost when I used Nevermore against AIs. I am practicing his skills and techniques, so at least not a bad start. The same goes to this blog. I am glad I am working better with this. At least everyday I can slowly work things out with this.

My brains are totally numb and my eyes are teary... This basically means that I should rest now and keep myself rested, at least as long as I want to because I have nothing to do tomorrow. I am free, yes Im free!

I guess I should hit the sack now. Thank you Lord for this wonderful day.
I pray for a better day tomorrow! :)

========================================================== Random thoughts...

It is not working

This techie thing is really testing my patience... Grrrr

Will this be posted in twitter?? hahaha

========================================================== Random thoughts...

Lemme try some...

I really dont know much about the technicalities of blogging. So right now I am going to check if this will also be posted on twitter....

I hate when my sister keeps on playing the same song over and over again. Did I mention over a thousand times? Pathetic!

Anyway, I am just relieving again myself from the rage of DoTA. I am an amateur player, since I play on and off before. But now, I am done with schooling and still free, I am using my time to practice my skills, knowledge and techniques in playing the game...

That would be enough for this post... :)

========================================================== Random thoughts...

Helluva Start!

Random thoughts. 

My life has been terribly stagnant for the past couple of weeks. I really had no idea as to what the future has for me. My friends have been already out to the real world, some are grasping their lucks, while some are enjoying their misfortunes. Whichever way I will be seems like pointless at this particular moment. Because right now, nothing really matters. Nothing really matters.

But as I started this journey, I felt relieved. I dont know which part of my heart produced such feeling, perhaps my left ventricle. Another random thought. I have no reason why I said so. It just went into my mind and I am freely using my physicality in trying to express such thought. But it's plainly nothing. Again, I felt relieved. 

There are definitely lots of things that should be in my mind right now, employment, relationship, responsibilities, family, etc., but I am feeling really stagnant. Maybe this is the post-trauma of a horrible graduation. I am now taking a deep breath, for no reason, but another relief. 

Maybe there's a part of me that is happy as I encode these letters. The part of me which was forgotten, better say neglected, because it was topped by other considered priorities. This part has been keeping me thoughts alive,until I typed them out. This part never failed to convince me that I should put my thoughts back, not using pen and paper anymore, but through this technological innovation. It has been running on for a couple of years,and tried doing it as well. Now, perhaps, I am having a fat schedule where this part of me is fitting in. And I guess this part's effort were all worth it. 

My first post is ready now. Starting my frustrations...